How does Go Big Recruiting work?

Go Big Recruiting is a user-friendly website that allows athletes to submit their profile information along with their videos to colleges and universities. Here's how it works:

  • Each athlete is able to submit their profile, which will include contact, academic, and athletic information to our database.
  • The athlete can then add their full-length film and/or a highlight video. The athlete can also simply give us a call to set up a time to have one of our representatives assist with adding the video to your profile.
  • The athlete can then select the universities they desire to submit their profile to for review.
  • High school coaches can add game films and/or highlight films to their own account and student-athletes can subsequently attach those films to their profiles.
  • The selected universities will then immediately receive the profile via their customized online recruiting management system.
  • Go Big Recruiting's platform allows coaches to review each athlete's profile and analyze their video if they have one.
  • Once a school has viewed the athlete's profile, the athlete will receive an email notification.
  • The technology also enables college coaches to sort their prospects based on position, location, academic qualifications and athletic profile.

How do I submit my profile and videos to colleges?

1. Click Profile Views

2. Click Add Schools or Get Started

3. Locate your School using the division and/or conference filter

4. Select your Schools

5. Check Out

Go Big Profile and Video Submission Pricing

1-5 Schools $9.99 each
6-10 Schools $7.99 each Save 20%
11-15 Schools $5.99 each Save 40%
16+ Schools $4.99 each Save 50%
Note: Multi-School discount is cumulative for your benefit.

What is Go Big Pro?

Go Big Pro is a one-time evaluation by a former D1 coach who will evaluate you and your video to help you get a better understanding of your strengths and weaknesses as well as where you should focus your efforts in recruiting based on those athletic and academic qualities.

What are the benefits of Go Big Pro?

Go Big Pro will get you on the right track for your recruiting. It will give you the best evaluation you can get to know where you stand so you can decide which schools you should be focusing on. This one time evaluation will also help you narrow down what camps you should attend for the upcoming college camp sessions during the summer months, saving you and your family both time and money.

What is the cost?

This one time evaluation from a former D1 coach will cost $49.99.

Can I see an example of what the evaluation will look like?

How long will it take to get my Go Big Pro Evaluation back?

The evaluation is usually returned to the athlete within 10-20 business days after ordering.

What is Go Big Premium?

To learn more about Go Big Premium, click here.

Is Go Big Recruiting NCAA compliant?

Go Big Recruiting is in compliance with NCAA Division I Bylaws and that relate to scouting and recruiting services even though we consider ourselves to be simply the online post office for video submission and not a recruiting service in any way, shape, or form.

But I want more specific recruiting advice. Can you help?

Yes! If you need a more directed recruiting experience after you build your Go Big Recruiting Profile, we would be happy to have our partner help you out. Get started here.

What colleges are using Go Big Recruiting?

Every college that you send your video to will receive it and be able to review your profile and video. Most universities already utilize Go Big Recruiting in order to watch recruit video.

If for some reason you choose a school that does not already have a Go Big account, we will personally contact them to let them know that someone has sent their profile to them in this manner.

Who views the athlete's Go Big profile and video at each college?

This can vary greatly from school to school but generally it is a full-time position coach if you send the athlete's information to colleges at the Division II, III, NAIA, and Junior College levels. Go Big has at least one member of each staff designated as our contact and the information goes to them directly and then they typically forward that on to other members of the staff depending on recruiting area, position, etc.

Division I programs usually have a specific member of their staff, typically called a Recruiting Assistant, that "screens" the incoming Go Big profiles and videos to make sure the prospect is a legitimate one for their program before passing it on to the coach that recruits your area. The recruiting assistant will upload the athlete's information and video link to whatever internal database management system they use and the position coach will be notified that there is a prospect he needs to check out.

Why would I use Go Big Recruiting when I can just use YouTube or HUDL?

We are often asked by people why they should pay $4.99 to submit their video online using Go Big Recruiting when they could just upload it to YouTube and email the coach a link or just email my HUDL link. Good question. Here's the answer:

  1. Go Big allows you to add highlights AND full games. YouTube and HUDL do not.
  2. Go Big's system is set up so that you receive both an email and a check mark on your SCHOOLS page every time a new school that you have chosen reviews your profile. YouTube and HUDL can't do this.
  3. Go Big automatically puts your name into our searchable database as soon as you sign-up so that interested coaches can request your complete profile and video. This is simply not possible on YouTube or HUDL.
  4. Go Big stores all of your academic, athletic, and contact information on the same page as your video so the coach can get in touch with you whenever they want.
  5. Go Big already has a contact at pretty much every school so you don't have to take time to look up the email address of the right coach at every school you are interested in.
  6. Go Big keeps all of the prospects' videos and information in one place for each college so that when they log-in they immediately can view any of them. Your other options are just a link in an email, one of hundreds that a college coach may get, making storage and recovery of that video very difficult later on in the process.
  7. Most importantly, over 80 colleges like Go Big so much that they actually let their prospects know that they can choose to use Go Big to submit their film.

Yes, YouTube and HUDL are free. But you get what you pay for and $4.99 is not a lot of money considering your future is at stake.

The Old Way
Full Profile on HUDL/YouTube No
Video Viewership Notification No
Ability To Add Full Games No
College Coach Feedback ???
Full Profile (Free!) Yes
Video Viewership Notification Yes
Ability To Add Full Games Yes
College Coach Feedback Instantaneous (profile view)

What is the Go Big recruiting "cycle"?

The cycle is the way in which Go Big differentiates between seasons and it was designed specifically by and for college coaches. It is really simple. Coaches will ALWAYS have access to any video you ever send to them, even if they did not watch it yet. The new cycle just makes sure they know when you have NEW video from that cycle.


What kinds of videos do you accept?

We accept any type of Internet URL from YouTube, HUDL, etc.

I'm having trouble adding my athlete's video. What do I do?

Give our coaches a call or email. We would be happy to help!

What type of video should I load to my Go Big Profile?

Check out our Recruiting 101 page for your sport:

Here you will find more specific tips for your position and what coaches are looking for as far as video.

Interest Emails/Views

What are interest emails?


Interest emails are generated by a coach from the school in the subject line when they use our searchable database. The coaches can see your basic athletic and academic info when using the search but can NOT access your video or contact information.

Interest emails are sent to both the athlete and the parent.

Remember, even though emails are sent to parents to make sure you are kept in the loop, the login information is under your athlete’s email.

If you are interested, you need to send them your Go Big Profile so they can see your skills.

To send your Go Big Profile follow these simple steps:

1. Click Profile Views

2. Click Add Schools or Get Started

3. Locate your School using the division and/or conference filter

4. Select your Schools

5. Check Out


Simply select order now in the email itself and you will be directed right to the order page in the account as long as your login is saved in your browser.

What does "not interested" mean on my schools interested page?

Getting texts and emails from schools that you would NEVER attend that want to see your full Go Big profile? Just click on the “Interested Schools” in the upper right after you log-in and you’ll have the option to no longer receive ANY communication from those schools by clicking on the “Not Interested” link. The process is irreversible so make sure you wouldn’t ever be interested before clicking “Not Interested”!

Keep in mind, You can still send your video and full profile to those schools in the future if you want to. However, You will no longer receive recurring text/email alerts.

What exactly does it mean when a school views my Go Big Recruiting profile?

When a school views your profile that means they have seen exactly what you see when you login to your profile. That's why it is so important to have everything updated, accurate, and exactly how you want it when you send it to schools.

Both the athlete AND the parent will be notified when your profile is viewed.

How do I send schools that have sent me Interest Email?

If you are interested in a school that has sent you an Interest Email, follow these simple steps:

1. Click Welcome

2. Click Schools Interested

3. Check any schools you want your profile to be sent to for evaluation

4. Make the selection process easier; check or uncheck the SCHOOL box

5. Unchecking the box will unselect all of the schools in your schools interested list

6. Confirm your order

7. Check Out

When will a school view my profile?

The time that it takes for a coach at each school to review your profile and video on Go Big Recruiting can vary greatly depending on the school, coach, recruiting philosophy, and a number of other factors including how busy they are and how much time they are currently spending reviewing film of recruits in your class.

If you want to try to expedite the process we would encourage you to be proactive and email the coach at the school that is recruiting you or the one that recruits your area to make sure he knows that you submitted your video to them via Go Big.

Can schools see which other universities I send my Go Big Profile to for evaluation?

Absolutely not! Coaches have access to everything BUT your Profile Views list.

How Do I...

Log in to my athlete's account? It says it is an invalid email, but it was sent to me?

Login information is under the student-athlete’s information. What is your athlete’s email address? If you do not remember, no problem! Simply email us at contact@gobigrecruiting.com with your name/your athlete’s full name, registered email address and sport. We would be happy to give you their login information.

See the schools I have already sent my Go Big Recruiting Profile to for evaluation?

Simply click Profile Views. Here will be a list of all the schools you have submitted to, the date, and if they have viewed your profile!

Resubmit or resend my Go Big Recruiting Profile to schools that haven’t viewed it yet?

Your Go Big Recruiting Profile is only sent one time per recruiting cycle.

What is a recruiting cycle?

The cycle is the way in which Go Big differentiates between seasons and it was designed specifically by and for college coaches. It is really simple. Coaches will ALWAYS have access to any video you ever send to them, even if they did not watch it yet. The new cycle just makes sure they know when you have NEW video from that cycle.

Earn free school submissions?

Tweet the good news! After you have sent your Go Big Recruiting Profile to schools for evaluation and they have viewed you, share the good news!

Simply click the hyperlink in your email:


1. Click Profile Views

2. Click Twitter

3. Tweet the automated text*

4. After you tweet the good news, you will receive an email with your coupon code

*Have your Twitter account opened in another Tab in the same browser

Refer a Friend! Once your friends build their own Go Big Recruiting Profile AND send their profile to schools for evaluation, you both will receive a coupon code!

1. Click Welcome

2. Click Refer a Friend

3. Send Referral

Add my school to the drop down option?

Simply send the full name of your high school and the mailing address of your high school including the city, state, and zip code to contact@gobigrecruiting.com as well as your name/your athlete’s full name, registered email address and sport. We will add your school to our database.

Stop receiving email notifications from Go Big Recruiting when college coaches are interested in me/my student athlete?

Have you committed? About to? Tell us about it! We want to know! Simply email us with the reason why you would like to unsubscribe at contact@gobigrecruiting.com with your name/your athlete’s full name, registered email address and sport.

Stop receiving text messages from Go Big Recruiting when college coaches are interested in me/my student athlete?

We have a new feature that sends text messages out to our athletes and their parents to keep everyone in the loop.

If you do not prefer to receive text messages, simply login to your athlete’s Go Big Recruiting Profile and update their preferences.

How? Follow these simple steps:

1. Click Welcome

2. Click Preferences

3. Uncheck "Send me SMS messages when coaches are interested in me."

4. Click Submit

If you are still have difficulties, just send us an email at contact@gobigrecruiting.com with your name/ your athlete’s full name, registered email address and sport.

Deactivate my account?

Once you have committed or if you would like to make your Go Big account inactive, just click the deactivate button in the Preferences section of your account. You will no longer receive interest texts or emails from college coaches and your profile will no longer be visible to the schools you have selected.

Contact Go Big Recruiting?

Any of our coaches would be happy to help you!

We just need to make sure we can find you in our system, please make sure to tell us your athlete’s full name, registered email address and sport when you give us a call at


Or send us an email at: contact@gobigrecruiting.com

Remember, when it comes to Recruiting, Go Big or Go Home!