Go Big Premium

Go Big Premium allows you to know which specific colleges have shown interest in you by requesting your full profile while searching the Go Big database.

FREE WEEK: Every athlete gets Go Big Premium FREE for one week once their profile is completed.

You get free premium for a week and can purchase it at any time on the Interested Schools page.

There are 3 ways to get Go Big Premium.

  • The monthly option is $9.99 per month, billed monthly.
  • The yearly option is $99.99 which is billed annually.
  • The third option is that you will receive a free year of Go Big Premium when you send your full Go Big profile to your 20th school. That is a savings of $99.99!

Go Big Premium subscriptions automatically renew each month/year depending on the plan you choose. If you wish to cancel your subscription prior to renewal simply click cancel in the preferences section of your account.

See which college coaches have requested your Go Big profile:

Coaches interested in you

How Coaches Search for You:

Coaches searching for you